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Beamsplitter Cubes

Beamsplitter Cube is a more sophisticated type consisting of two right- angle prisms cemented together at their hypotenuse faces. The cemented face of one prism is coated. Before cementing, with a metallic or dielectric layer having the desired reflecting properties, both in the percentage of reflection and the desired color. 

Polarization Beamsplitter Cubes (Narrowband/Broadband)
Non-Polarization Beamsplitter Cubes (Narrowband/Broadband)
Standard Beamsplitter Cubes (Narrowband/Broadband)
Polarization Beamsplitter Cubes:
Other sizes and coating are available upon requirements.
Non-Polarization Beamsplitter Cubes:


Other sizes and coating are available upon requirements.
Standard Beamsplitter Cubes:                                                           

Other sizes and coating are available upon requirements.
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