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Colored Glass Filter
Due to its selective absorption in visible wavelength range, color glass filter will exhibit various color depending the glass type. Color glass filter provides an economical filter for various applications.Optical glass filters are widely used in safety glasses, industrial measurement, regulation technology and environment protection.



Here is a list of frequently used filters we supply:
RG Series: Red and black glass, IR transmitting
                   RG610, RG630, RG645, RG665, RG695, RG715, RG780, RG830, RG850
GG Series: Yellow glass
                   GG400, GG420, GG455, GG475, GG495
OG Series: Orange glass
                   OG530, OG550, OG570, OG590
UG Series: Black blue glasses, ultraviolet transmitting
                     UG1, UG5, UG11
KG Series: Colorless glass with high transmission in the visible and absorption in the IR range (heat protection filters). KG2, KG3:

NG Series: Neutral glass with uniform attenuation in the visible range
                     NG1, NG3, NG4, NG5, NG9, NG11
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